Just Suck It Shirt


Just Suck It Shirt

So life itself — for someone who understands this clearly — stops being “a problem to solve”, and becomes an opportunity for creative self-expression. To play the Just Suck It Shirt so you should to go to store and get this game, for such a person, is just something fun to do, it’s not as if the very meaning of your existence is at stake when you’re passing GO and collecting $200 — because your ground of being is sound, it isn’t dependent on winning the game or being assessed relative to others. So that’s the challenge of awakening, expressed metaphorically: to catch yourself in the act of making up the game and its rules. When you become completely clear about your responsibility for the context you’ve wrapped around your self-concept, then the need to validate that self-concept disappears. It turns out you never needed validation in the first place, you were just confused by this subtle distinction about what “I” really means, and how there’s 2 ways to see it.

Just Suck It Shirt

Buy this shirt:  Click here to buy this Just Suck It Shirt

Home:  https://printshoptee.com/

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